Instead this game has a stamina gauge which appears to regenerate at a constant rate. One difference right off the bat is there is no Burst gauge. You are able to choose between all the different weapon types that exist in SAO. There are about 13 or so skills per weapon type. These all have cool downs but do large amounts of damage. Lastly there are the sword skills (the following is based on the RE:HW version) which makes up most of your damage. All these skills have a cool down on them. You then have buffing skills and other skills that use your SP which is another gauge that slowly recovers throughout the fight at a constant rate unless there are buffs or debuffs affecting it.

To get rid of risk you use the switch system we see in the anime at times. The higher your risk the slower the burst gauge recovers. You have a burst meter which allows you to use more powerful basic attacks. In HF you lock on to enemies easily and stay close. This gives a bigger feel in being close to the anime since that was the death game.Ĭombat: (this will be the hardest to judge) However in Single player if you or your partner died it will reload your last save which is at the area transition. In HF the same is true in multiplayer only. If everyone dies I'm unsure of what happens. In LS you can be revived or revive teammates if they fall in combat.
Sword art online lost song rating skin#
Each race has 1 model with two of each option: hair, hair color, skin color and 3 voices. Changes may happen with the ps4) is lacking.
Sword art online lost song rating ps3#
However the character creation (of the ps3 and vita. In LS you can play as a multitude of characters rather than just a Kirito variation. This is far better in HF giving the feeling you are your own character even though the story says you are Kirito and all the NPCs treat you as such. While this is a very basic observation it also dictates a lot of the game play. So one big thing that is easy to notice: Lost Song is in ALO while Hollow Fragment is in SAO. I personally haven't played Lost Song so I can only base this off what I've seen of the game and playing Hollow Fragment.